Working for the Lorzensaal for 30 years - a look back and ahead with Ruth
Ruth, our good soul behind the buffet, is celebrating a big anniversary this year. We look back with her on three decades of Lorzensaal Cham, memorable major events and the most exciting developments in the catering industry. Ruth's passion for interacting with guests is always palpable.
Lorzensaal: Congratulations on your anniversary, Ruth! You've been with the Lorzensaal Cham since the very beginning. Can you remember your first day - what was it like to be part of the beginning of the Lorzensaal?
Ruth: ‘Thank you so much! Yes, I still remember my first day very well. I was thrown straight in at the deep end, at a banquet. I was very nervous and didn't know anything about banquet service, but I managed it and enjoyed the pace. Otherwise I wouldn't have been around for so many years.’
In over 30 years, you have certainly experienced countless events and special moments. Is there one that has remained particularly dear or memorable to you?
‘There were many special moments, but the really big events are particularly memorable. For example, the ones with guest stars such as Tom Jones, Pink, Lionel Richie and Joe Cocker. The atmosphere at these events was always unique, especially when the hall was lavishly decorated. I was always very impressed by that. Once an organiser spent three days decorating before the event took place - in the end it looked as if the hall was stretching into infinity. This once again impressively demonstrated how changeable these rooms are.’
Not only have you been involved in many different events, you have also carried out various different jobs in the Lorzensaal. Which one is your favourite?
‘I particularly enjoy working behind the buffet, because it varies greatly depending on the type of event. At banquets, the drinks are often pre-ordered and the selection is limited, whereas at other events, guests choose their drinks individually, order and pay for them from the waiter - and the waiter then collects them from the buffet. Another completely different situation is at events such as carnivals with a pub service, where the drinks are provided for the guests behind the buffet and collected straight away. This variety is still great even after 30 years.’
Your team members know you as the good soul behind the buffet. Do you have a secret recipe or advice on how to keep a smile on your face even in stressful times?
‘I worked in service for a long time and know the reactions of the audience and guests well. My secret recipe is to remain calm and composed. Even in stressful situations, I try to remain friendly and kind. It's also important to realise that you have a good team around you to support you.’
The catering industry has changed a lot in the last 30 years. What was the most significant change for you and how did you deal with it?
‘The biggest change for me was the more conscious approach to food, especially with regard to allergies, diets and sustainability. The smoking ban in the dining room was also a drastic change - suddenly we needed more breaks between courses and there was more movement at the party. But in the end, we adapted and developed well.’
What motivates you to continue working with joy and commitment even after three decades?
‘What motivates me most is the teamwork and the opportunity to make the guests happy. The varied events also ensure that it never gets boring.’
If you had one wish for the future of the Lorzensaal, what would it be?
‘My wish would be for the Lorzensaal to continue to be successful and develop further. I feel very comfortable here and would like to continue to be part of the team in the future.’
Thank you so much, Ruth, for this inspiring interview and your great work! We look forward to all future assignments with you!